PinnedHow Socio-preneurs can help 92% of Indians?While capitalism & free markets solve many of human problems, one of the biggest one they create is social & economic inequality. Though…Mar 27, 20216Mar 27, 20216
Mid-age crisis for successful people“I have everything, but I don’t know what is missing” — A thought ran in my mind almost daily. I wasn’t sad, but I wasn’t happy either.Jul 14, 20241Jul 14, 20241
5 Best & unique thinking frameworks from billionairesRoot & thought process — how billionaires think that manifests in their actions, decision making and habits. Who knows you become one of…Sep 22, 20203Sep 22, 20203
CPP20 Features with Code ExamplesRanges, Coroutines, Spaceship operator, Concepts, Modules, Constexpr, Lambdas & moreSep 18, 202028Sep 18, 202028
RHEL Perf Tuning Series — I. Setting up the toolkitRHEL Perf tuning — Simple yet powerful toolkit. Follow link on my blog RHEL Perf Tuning Series — I Setting up the toolkit or Follow…Dec 19, 20185Dec 19, 20185
Performance Benchmark Cloud vs Low Latency setup with NASA way of benchmarking supercomputersMoving your low latency systems to cloud? Read on where to start to avoid surprises regarding performance.Follow direct link to article…Dec 19, 20188Dec 19, 20188